Losing weight after the age of 50 can be a bit challenging, but it is possible by adopting the right way. With age, the metabolism rate of the body slows down, but by taking care of some things you can control your weight. In these methods, the right mentality and good diet can help you in this, which makes it even more important to fit for you.
Diet expert and certified diet Specialist Dr. Archana Batra said, ‘After the age of 50, there is often a change in muscles, hormonal balance and metabolism in this phase of life, which can make weight management a bit difficult. However, if a person focuses on his diet, lifestyle and exercise, then he can also improve his life.
Now also know about what are the ways to lose weight at this age.
1. Control Calorie
If you want to lose weight after the age of 50, then always avoid taking extra calories. Find the calories of food when you are having breakfast, lunch or dinner. This will save extra calories from intake. Use small size plates to avoid eating more.
2. Fix daily routine
Pay attention to flexibility and balance. Pilates, yoga and stretching as this will reduce the risk of injury and improve mobility.
3. Do cardio activity
Include activities like cycling, swimming, dancing and walking to keep heart health right and to burn calories.
4. Take balance diet
Protein plays an important role in promoting metabolism and maintaining muscles safe.
5. Take healthy miles
Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fat and protein in your diet. This will provide energy to muscles and minds.
6. Avoid processed food
Avoid consuming fried foods, sweet snacks and packaged items as it contains unhealthy fat and process carb which is not good for the body.