Has it difficult to live by arthritis pain? Reduce food from today itself – Foods You Must Avoid If you have gathiya hone par na khayen yeh cheeze tvisn

Has it difficult to live by arthritis pain? Reduce food from today itself – Foods You Must Avoid If you have gathiya hone par na khayen yeh cheeze tvisn

The problem of arthritis or arthritis has become very common in today’s time. The major reason for arthritis is your lifestyle and catering. By the way, this disease is caused by people above 50 years of age, but nowadays youth are also falling in it. Arthritis patients have pain in the knees, ankles, back, wrist or neck joints. There is a lot of inflammation in the joints when arthritis occurs. The problem of arthritis has to be faced when the amount of uric acid in the blood becomes very high. Uric acid starts freezing in joints and makes crystals. Due to which there is a problem of redness, severe pain and swelling.

Consuming a lot of purin -rich things causes the problem of arthritis to increase. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about some things that you should avoid eating if you are struggling with arthritis- then-

Meat- If you have problems with arthritis, avoid consuming red meat and organ meat. The amount of purine is very high in all this, which can increase your joint pain.

Shugari Drinks- The quantity of fructose and sugar is very high in sugar drinks. Both these things help in increasing the level of uric acid and can increase the problem of arthritis even more. Even though the amount of purine is not much in these drinks, but it proves harmful for health.

Refined carbs- Things like white bread, cake, white rice and cookies can increase your arthritis problem. These things are neither more purin nor fructose, but still it is dangerous for health because there are no nourishing in them, which can increase the level of uric acid in the body.

fish- Consuming fish and shellfish can prove to be very dangerous for arthritis patients. Arthritis patients should avoid consuming fishes like Sardian, Tuna etc.

Processed Foods- If you have gout, then you should avoid processed foods like chips, snacks, frozen miles etc. They are not healthy for health at all and can make the problem of gout in the joints worse.

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