Chandra Grahan Kab Lagega: On March 14, the festival of Holi will be celebrated across the country. But the first lunar eclipse of the year can dissolve in the color of this festival. Yes, on March 14, the first lunar eclipse of the year is going to take place on the day of Holi. In such a situation, many questions will be coming in the minds of people. For example, at what time will the lunar eclipse look. Will it affect India too? Will its sutak period be valid? Let us answer all the questions related to the upcoming lunar eclipse today.
What time will you take lunar eclipse (Chandra Grahan 2025 Date and Time)
According to Indian time, the first lunar eclipse of the year, will begin on March 14 at 09.29 am. And it will conclude at 03.29 pm. According to astrology calculations, this lunar eclipse is going to be held in Leo and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. During this time, Saturn and Sun will be sight on the moon.
Will the lunar eclipse appear in India? (Chandra Grahan 2025 in India)
No, this lunar eclipse will not be visible in India. This lunar eclipse will be seen in parts of Asia-Africa including Europe, Partial Australia, North-South America, Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, North and Southern Pole.
Will the sutak period of lunar eclipse be valid? (Chandra Grahan 2025 Sutak Kaal Time)
The first lunar eclipse of the year will be a accessible lunar eclipse. This lunar eclipse will not appear in India. Therefore, the rules of Sutak period will not apply here. Generally, the Sutak period takes place 9 hours before the lunar eclipse. A lot of rules have to be followed in sutak. The doors of the temple are closed when the sutak is installed and the worship is forbidden. There will be no restriction on food, relaxation or worship during the lunar eclipse period. There is no need to worry about pregnant women.
How much effect the lunar eclipse on Holi? (Chandra Grahan 2025 Effect on Holi)
This is a accessible lunar eclipse, which will not be seen in India. The eclipse eclipse is not important for any religious rituals. Therefore, no avoidance or sutak will be followed. This lunar eclipse will not affect Holi or its auspiciousness.
What precautions to follow? (Chandra Grahan 2025 DOS and Donts)
Whatever the eclipse, it affects the life of every person in astrological point of view. At the end of the eclipse period, the gates of the temples are opened only after special worship. However, these rules are applied when the sutak seems to be. Luckily, the sutak period of this first lunar eclipse of the year is not valid. Therefore you do not need to follow any kind of rules or precautions.
Why is lunar eclipse important? (Chandra Grahan 2025 Significance)
The Moon is the most important planet in astrology after the Sun in the Navagrahas. No calculation can be done without the moon in astrology. Therefore, the moon has a prominent place in astrology. Scientifically, the moon controls gravity power and the water element of the whole earth. It is closest to the Earth. Therefore, it directly affects the earth. Every small and big event that happens on the moon definitely affects the earth. And a big event like eclipse definitely affects. Human mind and feelings are the region of the moon. Therefore, the change of human mind is immediately affected by the change on the moon.