Seeing the immense satisfaction on Mahadev’s face and the divine smile spread on the lips, Goddess Parvati asked- ‘Swami! What is this bliss that has come only in your part in Trilok. You are in meditation, still smiling. There is no longing nor any wish on your face. It is just that you have found everything. What is the secret of this bliss? Is this bliss in the luck of the people living on earth?
Hearing so many questions of his wife Parvati together, Shiva opened his eyes and said with the same smile- Goddess, if you have asked the question of bliss, I tell a story of it, listen to it. Shivji started telling the story.
Shivji narrated his Ramkatha
I was sitting in the temple and chanting Ram-Rama, the day climbed, the evening was in the evening, it was time for the sleep of the Lord. The priest said- Now Ram ji will rest and close the temple by saying. I started wandering again in search of Rama. The Ganges remained sitting on the banks of the Ganges. It was morning, I see that a bier is going on. The people involved in it are saying that the name Ram is true. Hearing this Ramdhun, I started walking back and forth and reached the crematorium.
What do I see there that those who are not in the house are not in the temple. Jungle-Parvat and river-ocean are not in, Rama is all around in the crematorium. Under the pile of ash. In the fire of funeral pyre burning over it. In the body getting consumed, there Ram’s name was scattered so that I did not need to go anywhere. I was absorbed in the same ashes and in the same dheri. Made his house. I was Aniket (without a person) anyway and then the crematorium became my house.
How did Shiva Shankar become crematored Mahadev?
I have rubbed the ashes and I have understood the secret of life that its true color is this ashes. This ashes is death, liberation, salvation and this also opens a new door, this is consciousness and this is also thinking. I have found all the colors in this one ash white and this is also the reason for my pleasure.
It is a matter of pleasure of the people of the earth, so it is a matter of joy for them. He is merry, the man of the earth who is digging a well every day and drinking water every day, whose struggle has come up, which is far away from miracles and divine powers, who mourns the celebration of birth and death everyday and then the rum goes to his tune. All bliss is joy for him.
Shiva said- The real thing is that only the gods are deprived of his happiness. The happiness of the common man is in his house, is in the blessings of parents. Wife is in love. Children are in satisfaction and respect, with friends and friends and office is in work. Sometimes I think that I am Shiva or these animals are Shiva. Those who are also in joy after drinking all the poison, are in ecstasy. This is the secret of my smile, I am united with them. Rang, wrapping in ash-bhaasma and becomes like them, only then I play my unique Holi amidst the hurdang of this Holi.
Holi two forms
Holi with cremation… Goddess Parvati started saying, explain it in more detail, Swami… Shiva said- O Priya, Look! Although the side of the spirituality of all festivals is very detailed with great subtleness, but it is even more difficult to explain the festival of Holi. It is as if churning the ocean in search of nectar and every time a new gem is handled. Still, the colors of Holi disintegrate through two divine streams. One is in the human form of Parabrahma.
This form of Holi in the world is of Radha-Krishna. Dyed in each other. Where Radha itself is color and Shyam colored his face. Where the mountain stones are also black and from the stream of Yamuna to the drop of dew.
The second section is my own. I am sitting in the crematorium, smiling. Shant in mind. I have kept Trishul and Vasuki separate, the flowing continuous stream of Ganga has again been tied to the jatajoot. Then I come in a triangle posture. I raise my hand and stop by bringing parallel to the earth. Then slowly, I bring my hands towards the heart. The posture in which I come with the left leg on the right thigh, this posture is of awakening of souls. I am the light of all the souls of Shiva. I am the form of light. My Nataraja Mudra says that this is the period of awakening. It is time to prepare yourself for change. Awakening … Hearing these words, souls are filled with gaiety.
Holi is a festival of gaiety of soul
Now how to celebrate your gaiety? How to sing it Then I raise the ashes from the pyre burning in front of Shiva and bounce in the air. I have wrapped myself in the ashes of the ghosts and now every gan-griet has become avadhoot by coloring it in this ashes. This is Holi. Where the devotee is also God and God is also like him. Between them with them. This is the time of spring and souls are enjoying consciousness. Shiva says, see that, souls in the world are playing Holi.
So why have you stopped, drown, in its color, which is the color of the world. Get color, get drenched. O Rardubna is in your color, do not live in Duja .. O Rangrej.