‘Stupid President, Get Out …’, Trump insulted Jailonski in the White House and kept watching the world

‘Stupid President, Get Out …’, Trump insulted Jailonski in the White House and kept watching the world

What happened in the White House between US President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Vodimir Zelanski was really seen in history for the first time. During a high-profile meeting in the Oval Office, there was such a hot debate between Trump and Zelanski that Trump drowned the Zelanceci and drove him out. This incident has created a panic in the international media and a tremendous reaction from all over the world.

what happened in the White House?

This meeting between Zelanski and Trump was kept in Ukraine to discuss peace and the deal of mineral resources there. But during the meeting, Trump pressured Zelancesi to talk with Russia. When Zelansky said that he would not compromise against Ukrainian interests, Trump got angry. According to reports, Trump gave Zelanceci "Stupid president" Till he said and then angry with them from Oval Office "Get out" Saying it removed.

World’s reaction: Who with Zelanceci and who is Trump?

This surprising & nbsp; The incident is reacting from the whole world. Most countries in Europe have openly come in support of Zelancesi, while Russia praised Trump’s move.

Countries descended in support of Zelanceci:

Austria & Ndash; Chancellor Carl Nehmar said, "Ukraine has been fighting a war against Russia for three years. We need a fair and permanent solution to this struggle, but Russia is the attacker."

& nbsp; Canada & ndash; Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in support of Zelansky, "Ukraine is fighting the fight for democracy, freedom and sovereignty. We will always stand with Ukraine."

& nbsp; Slovenia & ndash; President Natasha Pirk Musar said, "What happened in the White House today, has hurt the basic principles of international laws and diplomacy."

& nbsp; Germany & ndash; Chancellor Olaf Sholz said, "If someone wants to end this war most, then it is Ukraine."

France & ndash; President Emmanuel Macron appreciated Zelancesi and said, "Russia is aggressive and Ukraine suffering. We should never forget this truth."

& nbsp; European Union (EU) & ndash; European Commission President Ursula von Der Lean and European Council President Antonio Costa said, "We salute the bravery of Ukrainian people."

Many European countries including Romania, Poland, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain expressed support for Zelancesi.

Russia made fun of Zelansky, praised Trump. The Russian government and the media openly expressed happiness over this dishonor of Zelanceci. Russia’s official spokesperson to Zelancesi "scumbag" (Low man) said and said that "He got the same one who worthy him." Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavarov praised Trump and said, "At least the trump has so much courage that he keeps his side in clear words."

Trump’s attitude & ndash; Agreement or threats?

Donald Trump said in his press conference that he wants to end the Ukraine War as soon as possible, but he believes that Zelansky is pulling this war. Trump said, "Ukraine should now understand that America will not always help them. They have to move towards peace, no matter how difficult it is for them."

Trump’s statement indicates major changes in the existing policy of America. Earlier, the Biden government which was helping Ukraine, but Trump’s strategy looks completely different.

What will be the effect of this whole incident?

Pressure on Ukraine will increase & ndash; Due to this new situation of America, Zelansky may have to struggle internationally. Russia can benefit & ndash; If the US reduces Ukraine’s economic and military help, Russia may get a chance to strengthen its position.

The role of European Union may increase & ndash; Now Europe has to help Ukraine on its own, as America will not give the same support as before. Question on Trump’s foreign policy & ndash; This attitude can lead to the message in the world that America also appears strictly with its colleagues.

Conclusions: A historical event!

This skirmish between Donald Trump and Wloadimir Zelanski has been recorded in history. Perhaps this is the first time that the President of one country called the President of another country in his country and in front of the camera "Get out" Said. This is not just a dispute, but a big sign for future politics. Now the question is whether this strategy of Trump will really prove beneficial for America and the world or will it cause new problems in international politics? The answer will be found in the coming days.

[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही ज़िम्मेदार है.]& nbsp;

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