What is Black Moon New moon will be seen for the second time in December

What is Black Moon New moon will be seen for the second time in December

The year 2024 is going to end with a very interesting astronomical event. Its name is Black Moon. The term black moon is not recognized in astronomy, but in recent years it has gained popularity among amateur astronomers and people who track events in the sky. of ndtv Report According to , the term black moon is used when a second new moon is seen in a calendar month. To explain in simple language, there was Amavasya on 30th November, after which the new moon started appearing on 1st December. Now today also there is Amavasya on 30th December, after which the new moon will be visible from 31st December. Thus, this will be the second new moon in the month of December.

According to the US Naval Observatory, the phenomenon of Black Moon will be visible at different times in every country. In India it can be seen around 3:57 am in the early hours of December 31.

According to the report, Amavasya occurs when the Sun and the Moon are at the same celestial longitude. During this time, the shining part of the Moon moves away from the Earth and is not visible to the naked eye. Because the Moon’s cycle is an average of 29.5 days, there can sometimes be two new moons in one month.

In the event of a black moon, the moon may not be visible, but it increases the chances of seeing other objects in the sky. Stars, planets and distant galaxies can be spotted by going into dense dark areas. If you have a good telescope, you can see planets like Jupiter and Venus during the Black Moon.

In other Moon related news, scientists are working on creating a separate time zone for the Moon. America has given its space agency NASA the responsibility of developing a universal standard time for the Moon and other celestial bodies. The proposed Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC) aims to assist space missions and increase efficiency. The White House has given NASA a deadline of 2026 to complete this work.

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