8 February 2025, today’s horoscope (Aaj ka Rashifal): On Sunday, the girl will receive auspicious proposal, know the condition of other zodiac signs – Daily horoscope dainik rashifal 8 februry 2025 saturday ka rashifal jaya ekadashi tvisg

8 February 2025, today’s horoscope (Aaj ka Rashifal): On Sunday, the girl will receive auspicious proposal, know the condition of other zodiac signs – Daily horoscope dainik rashifal 8 februry 2025 saturday ka rashifal jaya ekadashi tvisg

Mesh – Social work will increase interest in business. Courage will make his place with might. The scope of contact will be large. Will be comfortable with people. Important achievements can be achieved. Will interact with new people. There will be a boost of brotherhood. Budget will get strength. Religion will remain patient. Will emphasize happiness facilities. Credit effects will be on the edge. There will be a meeting with the responsibilities. Leave laziness The environment will be favorable. Will take advantage of relationships. Circumstances will remain auspicious.

Auspicious number: 1 89

Good color: wheat

Today’s remedy: Worship Hanumanji worship. Increase donation of things related to Saturn planet. Keep activeness.

Taurus – The total family will be enthusiastically with the family. There will be moments of joy in the house. There will be an atmosphere of celebration. The support of family members will get support. Rites will be strengthened. Will play the promise. There will be auspiciousness in personal life. Attractive proposals will be received. Happiness will increase. Will speed up business. Sweet behavior will increase. Will win everyone’s mind. Will be associated with grand events. There will be a meeting with relatives. The guest will remain. Will make the most. Will give respect People will increase the spirit of cooperation.

Auspicious number: 5 6 and 8

Good color: silver

Today’s remedy: Worship Hanumanji worship. Increase donation and use of items related to Saturn. Help the little ones.

Gemini – There will be an effort to work in a new way. Various works will accelerate. Will carry forward various subjects. Will make art skills. Policy rules will be maintained. Shared work will be made. The hesitation will be overcome. Positiveness will be on the edge. Will have a sense of competition. Will make economic efforts. Will share happiness. Will take advantage of contact. Will keep an insistence on the meeting. Will increase interest in new efforts. Everyone will be impressed by might. Blood relations will be strengthened. There will be a gift among loved ones. Will be associated with creative functions.

Auspicious number: 1 5 8

Good color: sky

Today’s remedy: Visit Hanumanji. Donate items related to Shani Dev. Use Be comfortable

Cancer – Focus will remain on economic investment. In various cases, they will increase understanding and activism. Will complete the necessary work soon. Will show interest in economic activities. Relatives will get support. Will strive for your loved ones. Will keep awareness in expenses. Will move forward easily. Work will be normal. There may be a trip abroad. Interest in charity religion will increase. Do not show hurry. Professional will participate in discussions. Avoid thugs. Keep responsible behavior. Working cases may be affected.

Auspicious number: 1 2 8

Good color: Aqua Blue

Today’s remedy: Visit Hanumanji. Increase donation of goods related to Shani Dev. Help the poor. Donate

Lion – Will maintain speed in important functions. Efforts will be made to complete professional efforts on time. Profit effects will be on the edge. Will increase interest in competition. Leadership capacity will be adorned. Work expansion opportunities will increase. Opportunity will be on the edge. Will speed up working efforts. There will be increase in wealth. Will carry forward various schemes. There will be an atmosphere of joy. Will maintain focus on economic goals. Achievements in career business will be encouraged. New sources of income will be made.

Auspicious number: 1 2 and 5

Good color: Brown

Today’s remedy: Worship Hanumanji worship. Keep remembering Shani Dev. Increase donation of sesame oilseeds. Think big

Virgo – Professional will be excited by success. Will win the trust of family members. The standard of living will be held. Career will be notable in business. Will be ahead in business activities. The colleagues will be helpful. Will receive auspicious proposals. Dialogues will be positive. Honor will increase in respect. Will keep nobility. Administration management works will be made. Cases of ancestral side will be better. You will get the benefit of experience. There will be all cooperation. Will maintain all the effects. Will increase harmony with officials. There will be auspiciousness.

Auspicious number: 1 5 8

Good color: sea

Today’s remedy: Visit Hanumanji. Remember Shani Dev. Increase donation and use of related items. Help others.

Libra – Achievements will increase on the strength of luck. Faith and belief will lead to high success. There will be a boom in work business. Will connect with religious activities. Entertaining activities will increase. All areas will be better. Will be supported by friends. Will insist on education. You will get pleasant results. Will increase the implementation of plans. Will take interest in spirituality. Will grow rapidly towards the target. Family members will get support. The cooperation of counterparts will create the best results. There will be a possibility of travel. Will maintain courage.

Auspicious number: 4 5 6 8

Good color: Feroji

Today’s remedy: Donate and use sesame oilseeds. Keep remembering Shani Dev. Increase the help of the poor. Go on a religious journey.

Scorpio – You can maintain the status of smart delays in tasks. Will be responsible with the world. Will increase trust in the system. Will avoid risky functions. Stay Miti -speaking. Listen to the elders. Success percentage will be normal. Conditions may remain mixed. Do not get into the temptation effect. Do not make a hasty discussion in a hurry. Avoid lifting excessive weight. Be aware of health. Will increase the ease in new efforts. Contingency can remain. Will move forward with the advice of family members.

Auspicious number: 1 89

Good color: Rust color

Today’s remedy: Worship Hanumanji worship. Increase donation of items related to Shani Dev. Help the victims.

Sagittarius – The thinking of doing important work together can remain. You will get success from partnership. Management work will be done. Private matters will remain in favor. Profession will increase. Leadership capacity will be strengthened. Will maintain harmony. Profit will increase. Efforts will be made to strengthen the relationship. Personal efforts will be strengthened. Vani will maintain balance in behavior. Will pay attention to food. Will speed up action plans. Stability will increase. Positive results will be found on various fronts. Married life will be happy.

Auspicious number: 1 2 3 8

Good color: brown

Today’s remedy: Visit Hanumanji. Donate items related to Nyaya Dev Shani Dev. Play responsibility

Capricorn – Activity will move beyond balance. Will maintain discipline compliance. Will join the service area. Keep the presentation hard work. Professional efforts will result. Achievements will remain the same. Will work responsibly. Trust on hard work will increase. Performance will continue as expected. Will increase caution in transactions. Will control investment. Do not get seduced. Stay forgiving. Will be effective in logical subjects. The employed class will perform better. Will move beyond diligence and dedication.

Auspicious number: 1 8 and 9

Good color: Shyam

Today’s remedy: Vandana to Mahavir Hanumanji. Increase donation and use of items related to Shani Dev. Keep compliance with rules.

Aquarius – Will bring the necessary matters to the result ahead of time. Differences will be removed from close ones. Happiness in the family will maintain easy ease. Personal display will remain better. Economic profit will increase. Activity will move forward with courage. Will increase the rapid intellectual functions. Will be ahead in important cases. Art skills will be on grooming. Will maintain proper place in all areas. Will be successful in love. Cases of mind will be made. Will be effective in transportation activities. Will maintain positivity in emotional matters.

Auspicious number: 1 5 and 8

Good color: light blue

Today’s remedy: Worship Vandana of Mahavir Hanumanji. Increase donation and use of items related to Shani Dev. Keep a sense of cooperation.

Pisces – Will give momentum to important tasks. Trust on loved ones will increase. Social subjects will be made in favor. Can be rewarded. The predominance will remain. Maintain continuity in work. There will be joy in the family. Keep reconciliation recommendation with family members. Do not decide in emotion. Vani behavior will be effective. Will maintain ideological balance. Will find the help of elders. Will increase close to loved ones. Show patience in private matters. Building will show activeness in vehicles. Listened to relying on things will be avoided.

Auspicious number: 1 3 6 and 8

Good color: Pitambari

Today’s remedy: Vandana to Hanumanji. Donate oil oilseeds related to Shani Dev. Maintain harmony.

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