Bhutan once considered himself the most happy country, now why people are going to America by taking risks? – Why Bhutan is Facing Immigration Crisis AMID Donald Trump to Ban Bhutanese People Ntcpmj

Bhutan once considered himself the most happy country, now why people are going to America by taking risks? – Why Bhutan is Facing Immigration Crisis AMID Donald Trump to Ban Bhutanese People Ntcpmj

Since changing power in the white house, there are many such things which are shocking. For example, Bhutan is also included in the red list in the new travel ban proposal. Actually, Trump can take a new step to fulfill his promise to stop illegal immigration. Under this, three different lists of 43 countries were made, which would be at least strictness. Citizens of low strict countries will be relatively easy to travel to America, while Dream America can be the most difficult for the people of the red list.

Among the 11 countries which were included in the proposed Red list, there are Bhutan in addition to countries like Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, North Korea, Libya, Yemen and Sudan. All these countries have long civil war and instability, while Bhutan was quite high in the Happiness Index.

Then why the Trump administration became strict on this country?

Bhutan has a gross National Happiness Model. In this model running since 2008, it is decided on the basis of about one hundred and fifty questions how happy or unhappy citizens of the country are. According to The Guardian report, in the survey conducted in the year 2022, people scored 0.781 at every number. It tells that the people there are very happy in their government and the country. But there is also another aspect of the picture, which is completely different from it.

Why Bhutan is Facing Immigration Crisis AMID Donald Trump to Ban Bhutanese People Photo Pexels

Constant migration

This small country may be known for its happy image, but the reality is that the country is going through a huge migration. In the year 2023, the People’s Democratic Party released an a declaration, claiming that the people of the country are constantly settling abroad. In just 2022, 1.5 percent of the total population of Bhutan went to Australia. In this, we are not talking about any other country, especially America.

The size of Bhutan will be slightly larger than Belgium and the population is less than 8 lakhs. Many of such a few population have gone abroad, or try to go. There are many reasons behind this.

Political exemption is not that much

First of all, political freedom in Bhutan is not to the extent that occurs in a democratic country. In fact, elections were held in this country for the first time in 2007, when the then king Jigme Singye Wangchuk voluntarily left the throne and handed over to the son. After this, there were elections but there is no exemption of negotiation or opposition on political issues. This thing knocks the new generation a lot, while the rest of the countries give their opinion on the social platform, the opinion of the people of Bhutan remains limited or controlled.

Why Bhutan is Facing Immigration Crisis AMID Donald Trump to Ban Bhutanese People Photo Pexels

Tourism weakened

Bhutan’s economy was largely dependent on tourism. But in the era of Kovid, it decreased significantly. Even tourism has not yet recovered from this shock. In such a situation, the people of Bhutan are looking for a way out of the lack of alternative work.

They are going from Australia to America. Especially Australia is his first destination. Visa is easy to get here and the policies here are also better for foreigners. Apart from this, in recent years, thousands of Bhutanese citizens tried to reach America illegally.

Dunky route is taking support

For this, he adopted the Dunki route, ie reach the US border via dangerous forests of Central and South America, gangs of human trafficking and violent areas. Many people arrived with a tourist visa but disappeared after not returning even after the time was over. Because of all these things, the new US government is angry and the visa rules are tight.

People settled by bringing from Nepal the most upset

There is another big reason. Bhutan, who looked calm and happy from above, has been facing a refugee crisis for a long time. Its roots go in the eighties, when the Bhutan government started taking tough measures against the Nepali speaking community, Lehotsampa, living here. This community came from Nepal and settled there.

Why Bhutan is Facing Immigration Crisis AMID Donald Trump to Ban Bhutanese People Photo Pexels

The government implemented One Nation, One Peepal Policy there. Under this, people of Nepali origin were deprived of Bhutani citizenship. At the same time, he was asked to speak Bhutani language and adopt the living there. Those who protested, they started being put in jail. Within ten years, about one lakh Lehotsampa refugees fled to Nepal. The Nepali government gave him shelter but citizenship was not found there either.

In 2007, the US, Canada, Australia and some European countries proposed to settle in the year 2007, living in refugee camps. The US adopted about one lakh Bhutanese refugees. But this started increasing instead of decreasing the crisis. People living in Bhutan and suffering poverty began to feel that going to the West could be a great way. Then the remaining people also started searching for ways to leave the country. In the last few years, Bhutani citizens who illegally went to America increased so much that the result is seen as Trump’s anger. Even this peace loving country was put in the list of countries that spread terror.

Who is Lehotsampa who is swinging between Nepal and Bhutan

People of Nepali origin of Lhutotsampa Bhutan are called. This means southern people, because they were settled in this part of Bhutan. These people were specially called from Nepal so that they could do farming in the difficult part of Bhutan. But later in this country, dissatisfaction arose and violence started taking place. Currently, most of the Bhutani refugees in the US, Australia and Canada are Lhhotsampa.

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