China impact on global market: China’s impact on global economy has increased considerably in the last few years. People from different countries around the world view this effect from different perspectives. Survey of Pew Research found that people from most countries believe that China has a significant impact on their country’s economic conditions, and this effect is being felt more widely than in 2019.
People from most of the countries involved in the survey believe that China has a major impact on their country’s economy. Especially 35 countries whose data is available. Such people say that China’s influence has increased further in the last five years. However, the approach to viewing this effect in a positive or negative form is widely different. People in moderate income countries consider this effect to be more positive, while in high -income countries it is being seen more negatively.
China’s positive impact in moderate income countries
In 17 medium -income countries conducted, 47 percent of adults believe that China has a positive impact on their country’s economy, while 29 percent consider it negative. The main reason for positive perceptions towards China in these countries can be China’s major investment schemes and belt and road initiative, which has contributed to infrastructure and economic development in many medium -income countries. Countries like Thailand, Kenya, and Bangladesh have the most positive perceptions about Chinese companies and their investment. 81 percent in Thailand, 80 percent in Kenya and 79 percent in Bangladesh believe that Chinese companies are good for their country’s economy.
China’s negative impact in high -income countries
In contrast, more negative attitudes have been observed in high -income countries about China’s economic impact. In the 18 high -income countries conducted, 57 per cent of the people say that China’s influence is negative on their economy, while only 28 per cent consider it positive. The attitude towards China in the US is particularly negative, where about three-fourths of people believe that China has a negative impact on the American economy. The reason for this may probably be business tension and competition with China. Among high -income countries, about 70 percent of people have a negative attitude towards China, while in moderate income countries, this figure is 56 percent.
Belt and Road initiative and China’s global investment
China’s Belt and Road initiative, which was launched in 2013. This has played an important role in increasing China’s global economic influence. This initiative helps China to join other countries and create investment opportunities. Today, China’s global direct foreign investment is around $ 3 trillion, which has reached its highest level in the last eight years. However, controversies have also arisen about Chinese companies’ ways to work abroad, especially their environmental impact, behavior with employees, and their impact on local economies.
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