Last night at the Mumbai International Airport, the officials of Zone-3 of the Customs Department seized gold weighing 2.830 kg in one case. The price of seized gold is said to be around 2.21 crores. In this case, the Customer Department has arrested 4 people.
According to the Customs Department, CSMI Airport and Mumbai’s Custom officials on the basis of profiling, 3 passengers coming from Dubai to Mumbai and departure of CSMI Airport Mumbai 1 private airport employee working in the hall stopped and recovered gold dust from them, which had a total weight of 2.830 kg. Its price was estimated at Rs 2.21 crore. Officials said the passengers had hidden gold in the polythene bag, which was later kept in a branded jute bag hanging in the store. After this the bag was lifted with the help of private airport employees working in that store. We were trying to get out, but the four were arrested due to the profiling intelligence of the custom department. & Nbsp;
. The price drugs, gold and diamond were recovered. During that time 8 passengers were arrested.