Disclosure in Surat’s Shivshakti Textile Fire Incident | Surat’s Shiv Shakti Textile Fire Revealed: One partner became an applicant, the other released fire NOC, loss of 800 crores due to fire – Gujarat News

Disclosure in Surat’s Shivshakti Textile Fire Incident | Surat’s Shiv Shakti Textile Fire Revealed: One partner became an applicant, the other released fire NOC, loss of 800 crores due to fire – Gujarat News

In Surat’s Shiv Shakti Textile Market, the fire on Monday (February 24) burned assets worth about Rs 800 crore in less than 48 hours. A person lost his life. Traders are ruined and crying. But the question is that such a situation arises


The fire in Surat’s Shiv Shakti Textile Market has been extinguished. But Divya Bhaskar investigated for three consecutive days to find answers to many questions arising from this tragedy. The evidence that came out in this investigation is very shocking. Because on behalf of Shiv Shakti Textile Market, a person applied for a fire NOC, who is neither a businessman, nor the manager or owner there. At the same time, the officer who issues fire NOC is also the business partner of this applicant.

Shiv Shakti Textile Market was burning for two days.

If you want to get the first fire NOC for a building in Gujarat, this permission is given by the Fire Brigade. But if the NOC is to be renewed, then this right is with the FSO (Fire Safety Officer). But it is important to note that even though the name ‘officer’ comes in the name, the FSO is not an employee or officer employed by the government. The government does not even give them salary. FSO performs a type of outsourcing work. If the FSO issues a letter following the process prescribed by the government, it is considered a fire NOC.

The owner, manager or trust of the building pays the fee to the FSO for reviewing NOC. The amount of fees to be paid earlier was also not clear. However, on 14 August 2024, the state government issued a circular, determining how much the FSO could charge. That is, Shiv Shakti Textiles got a fire NOC by spending only 15 thousand rupees.

Fire was extinguished by pouring 90 lakh liters of water in two days.

Divya Bhaskar also received information about the renewable fire NOC of Shiv Shakti Textile Market, where the fire was on and the fire safety officer who released it. FSO Nikunj Padsala renewed the fire NOC on 3 March 2024. The shocking thing here is that the name of the fire NOC certificate was renovated in the name is Divyesh Dhola. Whereas Divyesh Dhola is neither a businessman nor the manager or owner in this building.

Fire Safety Officer Nikunj Padasala, which issues fire NOC.

FSO Nikunj Padasala’s work is also going to open eyes. The government issued a gazette for FSO on 13 December 2023, about 14 months ago. Whereas before this, Nikunj has renewed the NOC of 333 buildings. The details uploaded on the FSO information website do not mention a single inspection or mock drill of the building. According to the rules, the FSO has to drill mock drills once every six months, whose fire NOC has been renewed.

Let us tell not one but three identity of Divyesh Dhola. The thing is that on 19 February 2024, Divyesh Dhola himself applied for renewal of fire NOC for Shiv Shakti Textile Market Association.

Divyesh Dhola, who took the fire NOC in his name.

The second role of Divyesh Dhola is also interesting. Our investigation revealed that Divyesh Dhola, Nikunj Padasla and Tejas Tejani together run a firm named Safe Care Enterprises in Surat. Whose managing director is Divyesh Dhola. It is clear that the fire for Shiv Shakti Textile Market became a complete game sitting in the renewal of NOC. One partner applied and the other gave the fire NOC.

We have also received information that Divyesh Dhola is a fire security advisor in Surat Municipal Corporation. His SMC Fire Registration Number has also been obtained. In which his firm Safe Care Enterprises has the right to renew the fire NOC for buildings up to 25 meters. This information given on the website of Surat Municipal Corporation also includes the mobile number of Divyesh Dhola and his partner Tejas Tejani.

The roof band turned out to be turned. The structure of the entire building is ruined.

What clarification did Divyesh give about this? Divya Bhaskar asked Divyesh Dhola about his name being in NOC received by Shiv Shakti Textile Market. So he said- I am not a businessman there, but a fire consultant. When the state government started a new system regarding fire safety, people did not know how to apply. So I applied for Fire NOC using my identity card. Divyesh also accepts that such an application should be made by the owner of the property.

The fire has caused a loss of about Rs 850 crore to the traders.

Divyesh is a fire consultant in the municipal corporation Divyesh also admitted that he is a fire consultant in Surat Municipal Corporation. He said- My work is of fire system installation. I do not even get salary and I have no rights. I just work as a consultant. Any person with whom BE. Civil, BE Mechanical degree, or who has completed the fire course. He can become a consultant. I do the work from the fire system installation to the fire fighting NOC.

This means that Divyesh had chosen the name of his own partner Nikunj Padasala in the online application as FSO. Not only this, after getting the fire NOC, Divyesh gave 5 star ratings to his own partner Nikunj. So the question arises whether a third party can become an applicant owned by someone else or for the property administered by him?

The management and traders of the Shiv Shakti Textile Market have probably taken the case of renewal of fire NOC lightly. Divya Bhaskar spoke to Divyesh Dhola’s partner and FSO Nikunj Padasla to understand this situation. Nikunj himself admitted that he had renewed the fire NOC for Shiv Shakti Textiles last year.

Market building at such a narrow place that the fire brigade vehicles could not enter.

Inspection, mock drill, training occurs in a single day Talking about the functioning of the FSO, Nikunj Padsala said- First of all we have to apply online. Then we have to go to the site. We have been given a log-in ID. Through which the photos taken by me are uploaded to the system with the location. There are about 40 photos of a building. After this, mock drills have to be done. In this, fire safety equipment is examined. Fire safety training is also provided to the people of each building.

Nikunj informed the local people about the situation and said, “We are training employees.” We also request them to take training. But people are not serious. I have also mentioned it in NOC. The fire NOC renovation process is usually completed within a day.

Despite not having enough way in the market, it was given a No Objection Certificate.

Mock drill was done in the building: Nikunj Nikunj Padasla replied- Our job is only to renew NOC. You just have to check whether the system is functioning properly or not. We do not even have the right to give notice to anyone. If no one has NOC, we cannot even compel him to take NOC.

According to the rules, each building has to undergo FSO inspection and mock drill every six months. Nikunj also claimed that he had mock drills in the Shiv Shakti Textile Market in the last 6 months and he also had proof of this. He said- When the administration calls me, I will give my report. However, he did not agree to give us evidence of mock drills.

In May 2019, 22 people were killed in a fire at Taxila Complex in Surat.

22 died in a fire in Taxila Complex In May 2019, a fire broke out at the Taxila complex in Surat, killing 22 innocent people. It has been only six and a half years since this tragedy has been barely six and a half years. Meanwhile, many chairs are still vacant in the fire department offices in Surat. This means that the system is not serious about fire.

A charge sheet was filed against a total of 13 accused in the Taxila Complex case. It included the names of coaching class administrator, building owner and Surat Municipal Corporation officials. In this too, the investigating officers are suspected of the involvement of Sanjay Acharya, Deputy Chief Fire Officer of the Fire Department and Kirti Mod.

Five months before the fire in Taxila, the top officials of the Municipal Corporation had instructed that wherever the coaching class is going on, fire safety equipment should be investigated and not a notice should be issued if this does not happen. However, Kirti Modh and Sanjay Acharya did not investigate and did not even bother to issue notice. Both were arrested after the Taxila accident due to this serious negligence.

To find out the exact reason for the fire in Shiv Shakti Textiles, it is necessary that the police should also record statements of those who were involved in the process of issuing fire NOCs.

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