EEAT Quick Wins — Whiteboard Friday

EEAT Quick Wins — Whiteboard Friday

So, let’s get into some EEAT quick wins.

Use real authors

Quick win number one: use real authors. This is fundamental when it comes to eating helpful content. Users want to be convinced that the person who’s writing the content actually knows what they’re talking about. So, if you’re not using real authors, that’s a problem because, again, it’s something that people can see, and they might not trust you. So, use real authors whenever you can.

Author bios

The second thing is author bio. This is where, instead of just having the name of an author, you want to have a bio there so that users can read through and understand exactly why they should trust this person because then, again, that demonstrates what kind of experience and credibility they have, so all of those EEAT aspects.

Author pages

The third one is author pages. So once you’ve got your authors and you’ve got their bios, have an author page that’s directly linked to that author so it specifies everything to do with their experience, credibility. You can link out to other pieces of content they’ve written, their social media profiles. That’s another way to really help boost EEAT, and it’s something that users and Google love to see.

schema markup

Next, we’ve got schema markup. So this is more for your search engines because schema markup is code that describes code. So you can use schema markup across your content across your author pages to specify who the person is who they are so Google better understands who the person is behind the content and what their credibility is fundamental.

Including time of edits

Next, we’ve got the inclusion of the time of edits within content. So, say, for example, you’re publishing medical-related content. Things can change a lot within your niche, and also, there are lots of people that you might want to review the content.

So this is where, within your content, you can specify who wrote the content, when it was last edited, and who actually edited and revised that version of the content.

So, this is something that you can also do to make it very clear for people in terms of knowing the timeline of that content. That helps users, and Google has a lot more faith in that content itself.

Use original images

Next, we’ve got using original images—obviously, no stock photos—which means you should actually go out there and get some original images that you can include within your content because that, again, adds a whole new level of trust to users. that you are who you say you are, and people can actually see that on the page.

Get help from ChatGPT

Next, get help from ChatGPT. So, this wouldn’t be complete without talking about ChatGPT in the AI ​​world that we live in. But ChatGPT can actually help in terms of if you’ve got content written down, you can put it into ChatGPT and essentially ask it to critique it, ask it based on EEAT signals and what they mean. You can ask ChatGPT to provide some further analysis and ways for you to improve that content. So that’s a really useful tip that you’ve got there.

Hire experts

The last one is if you don’t actually have experts within your niche, go hire them. Go reach out to your network, go on certain websites and hire someone to help you with the content. Even if they don’t work for you full time, just so you’ve got a bit of help from somebody who is an expert, that really adds a lot because then you can use that and mention in your content that it was actually written. alongside an expert in their field.

So those are some EEAT quick wins.

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