Even before Drapadi, two women were married to real brothers, DMK minister comes in Mahabharata – DMK minister Duraimurugan Controversial Statement About Mahabharat Pandav Draupadi Shadi NTCPVP

Even before Drapadi, two women were married to real brothers, DMK minister comes in Mahabharata – DMK minister Duraimurugan Controversial Statement About Mahabharat Pandav Draupadi Shadi NTCPVP

In Tamil Nadu, where language dispute is going on on one side, questions are also being raised about culture and civilization. Senior Minister of Tamil Nadu Government Duryimurugan has made controversial remarks on North Indian culture. He has linked the culture of North India with polygamy and polyarchy citing Mahabharata.

Duraimurugan said that 5 or 10 men can marry a woman in North India, this is their law, as well as said that we have a man and a woman relationship, but it is not so there. The DMK minister said that if someone (Tamil people) calls us rude, then his tongue will be cut. This statement of Duraimurugan came during a program, where he taunted the North Indians, referring to the characters of Mahabharata.

Minister Duryimurugan made controversial remarks
The kind of comment that Minister Duryimurugan has made by giving the example of Mahabharata is irrational. Draupadi’s marriage to the five Pandavas was not in the longing for any lust, nor was Draupadi the first woman who was married to many men, but also one of the reasons for the war of Mahabharata that Draupadi was insulted as the wife (Vaishya) of many men.

The ‘Mahabharata’ epic composed by Maharishi Krishna Dvapayan Ved Vyasa is mentioned in detail that, for what reasons Draupadi was married to five Pandavas, but in this development, it is also mentioned that and which women were married to more than one man before that.

The description of the entire development in Mahabharata
According to the developments described in the Mahabharata, when Kunti inadvertently tells Bhima and Arjuna, ‘Whatever begging, share the five brothers’, the five Pandavas are confused as soon as they hear it. He is thinking about this that the detectives sent by Drupada, knowing all the situation, informs Drupada. Then Drupada knows that the panduputra who wins the swayamvar is Arjuna, he becomes very happy.

After this, Drupada sent a priest and called all the Pandavas to the palace along with Kunti and while hurting them in every way, requested that Savasachi should marry Arjuna and accept my daughter as a bride. In this way, after listening to the whole thing of King Drupada, there was peace among the Pandavas, then while breaking this silence, Yudhishthira said to Rajan- Maharaj, I will have to marry too.

Hearing this, Drupada was somewhat angry and unhappy and then the conversation was stopped here. He said that it is not logical that a woman marries many men, although there is no fault of kings for marrying many women. Along with this, Drupada said that Goddess Kunti AAP, son Yudhishthira and my son Dhrishtadyumna should discuss mutual discussion and then say what is fine.

Vyas muni

When the consultation started the next day in this subject, Maharishi Vyasji also came there. On his arrival, Rajan got up and welcomed him and then the conversation started. Then the king also asked the same question to Munivar. It describes this in chapter 190 of Adiparva of Mahabharata. It is recorded here that…

Tato Meedhamduran Vanimuktva Pandavagraj:
Pratastam Mahatmanamupatha Vrishapati: 4॥

Katmekabhavanayama Dharmeen Sukrit Charan.
Etanme saffron 5॥

(King Drupada asked Vyasji about Draupadi, how he conducts religion, how can he accept the same woman with many husbands religion? O God! I want to know the answer)

Hearing this question, Vyasji said that, first of all, do not say yourself in this subject.

Yudhishthira put his arguments
Then Yudhishthira described the story of the priests and seven sages in this subject. In which he mentioned the names of those two Vedic women, one of whom was married to 10 men and the other to seven sages. All these marriages were religious and the Supreme Father Brahma himself allowed it.

Neither Vaganritam Brute Nadharma Dhiyate Manah.
Vartate Hridayam Meedya Nishodharma: Kathanchan॥ 13॥

Shruayate Hi Puranapi Jatila Naam Gautami.
Rishinamayash: Kartri Sati Dharmabhritam Vara॥ 14॥

Tathaiva Munija Vapi Tapobhirbhatmatan:
Santabhudhdash Patnayaka Nripate Tatsamahita॥ 15॥

(Yudhishthira said, I never lie. I also have a description of a woman named Jatila, who was the daughter of Gautama Rishi. She was about to follow Sati and Dharma, and was going to increase the fame of many sages. She was married to seven sages. Apart from this, the marriage of Kandu Rishi was also married to ten preachers).

Arjun Bhima

What is the story of Jatila and Warsishi
The story of both women is of different time. After the creation of the universe, Brahmaji produced his 10 Manas sons who have been called Pracheta for its operation. He was entrusted with the responsibility of conducting the universe. The Moon married all these priests to the tree girl and the sister of Yaksha (Varashi) Maraisha. Due to marriage to the priests, they have also been called Pracheti and Prachiti. Marisha gave birth to Daksha Prajapati with half-speed of the priests and the moon. It was Daksha Prajapati who carried forward the work of creation of creation and Maithuni creation developed. He got his 10 girls married to religion, 27 girls were married to the moon and Lord Shiva was married to his daughter Sati.

Jatila was married to seven sages
Similarly, there was a girl named Jatila in Gautami clan. He was married to 7 sages. In the Vedas, Gautam is known as a sage. Apart from this, the creators of justice sources are also considered Gautam. These descendants were Shwetketu who started the marriage system. Earlier, any man and woman could have a relationship with any woman or man.

If it comes to marriage, then the story of Shwetketu should also be known. Shwetketu of Gautami dynasty was the son of Jatila. One day Shwetketu was sitting with his mother. Meanwhile, a Brahmin came and asked his mother to walk with him. Shwetketu did not like this tradition. Actually, till that time there were no rules on the relationship between marriage and men and women. In such a situation, Shwetketu talked to Brahmadev about this and then established rules like marriage relations. This story is also mentioned in the Adiparva of Mahabharata.

Shwetketu made social rules of marriage
Shwetketu made a wife fasting for men and Pratibrat for women and banned the movement. He propagated the rule that both the woman going to the man and his wife, except the husband, should be considered as the criminals of feticide. Shwetketu is also considered a social reformer of the Vedic period. Shwetketu was a philosopher Acharya, who is mentioned in the Upanishads like Shatapatha Brahmin, Chandogya, Brihadaranyak etc. His story comes in the Upanishads.

Draupadi Swayamvara

Maharishi Vyas recognized the examples of Yudhishthira
Well, the sage Vyas valued him by recognizing the examples of such esoteric elements of Yudhishthira, as well as the story of King Drupada, the story of Draupadi, the five Pandavas, Kunti and the former birth of Drupada himself. Vyasamuni told that do not consider Draupadi an ordinary girl. It is a heaven Lakshmi in the form of Goddess Shachi, who is sitting next to Indra in heaven, who is a form of Narayana Lakshmi of Narayan. The five Pandavas, in fact, are Indra at different times, which later converted to excerpts from Dharmaraja, Pawan, and Ashwini Kumar. All this has come on this earth with the spirit of public welfare. Narayan himself is Shri Krishna and you are his supreme devotee Golokasi Gopa. Therefore this relationship is sacred.

After recognizing this marriage by Maharishi Vyasa, King Drupada happily married Draupadi to the five Pandavas.

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