Flaxseed with nutrition is very beneficial for health. Protein, fiber, magnesium, copper and carbohydrates are found in abundance, which are beneficial for the body. Most people consume it to lose weight, but it can also protect against many diseases like diabetes, cholesterol and cancer.
However, excessive intake of linseed can also cause some damage. Let’s know about the benefits and disadvantages of linseed.
Benefits of linseed
Help in weight loss
Obesity has become one of the most common problems today. Linseed seeds can help in weight loss. The fiber present in them keeps the stomach full for a long time, which reduces the habit of eating frequently and remains under the calorie intake control.
Cancer prevention
Flaxseed contains antioxidants and lignations, which help to form anti -cancer cells in the body. It helps in reducing the risk of diseases like cancer.
Relief from constipation
The fiber present in linseed helps to overcome constipation, gas and indigestion problems. Consuming linseed regularly improves intestinal health.
Linseed loss
Danger of allergy
Some people may cause allergies to consume linseed, which can cause problems like itching, swelling, redness, vomiting and nausea. If this happens, it should be stopped immediately.
Intestinal problems
Linseed seeds should always be eaten along with water or any other fluid. If this is not done, it can cause blockage in the intestines. Therefore, while consuming linseed, drink sufficient amount of water and do not eat excessively.
Hormonal imbalance
Flaxseed contains phytostrogen, which can affect estrogen in the body. Excessive intake can cause problems related to period and hormonal balance can deteriorate. Pregnant women should avoid linseed consumption.