Himachal Government Temple Fund explained CM Sukhwinder Sukhu vs BJP Jai Ram Thakur | Why dispute over seeking government part from temples in Himachal: BJP said-BJP said anti-Sanatan, CM said-BJP used to take 15%; 6 Know the whole truth from questions and answers – Shimla News

Himachal Government Temple Fund explained CM Sukhwinder Sukhu vs BJP Jai Ram Thakur | Why dispute over seeking government part from temples in Himachal: BJP said-BJP said anti-Sanatan, CM said-BJP used to take 15%; 6 Know the whole truth from questions and answers – Shimla News

Controversy has arisen over taking government funds from temples in Himachal Pradesh. The Congress government, led by CM Sukhwinder Sukhu, issued a letter of temples. In which the temple’s earnings were sought for government schemes.


The BJP made it an issue and said- it is anti-eternal. In response, CM Sukhu said that the BJP government also took 15% share from the earnings of temples. In such a situation, there was a political fierce battle in Himachal.

What is this whole dispute of earning from temples, 6 questions – know from

1. How did the issue of demanding a government share from the earnings of temples? answer: The Congress government wrote a letter to DC of all other districts except Kullu and Lahaul Spiti on 29 January 2025 through the Secretary of Language Arts and Sanskrit Department. In which temples were asked to give some money for “Sukh Shiksha Yojana” and “Chief Minister Sukhashray Yojana”. Both these schemes have been launched by the current Congress government.

A letter issued by the Congress government in which temples were asked to give budget

2. What are the 2 schemes for which money was sought? answer: The Congress government, led by CM Sukhu in Himachal, has launched ‘Mukhyamantri Sukh Shiksha Yojana’ and Mukhyamantri Sukhashray Yojana. In ‘Mukhyamantri Sukh Shiksha Yojana’, the government is providing financial assistance for the education of widows, destitute, divorced women and children of disabled parents.

It has a provision to give a monthly of Rs 1000 to eligible women and disabled parents for completing education, health and nutritional expenses of children below 18 years of age. Under the second Chief Minister Sukhashray Yojana, the government adopted 6 thousand children and gave them the status of Children of State. The government has launched the scheme for the education and upbringing of such children.

3. How did the dispute start? answer: BJP Leader Opposition and former CM Jairam Thakur came to know about this. He released a video and described the Congress government as anti -eternal. Jairam said- It is unfortunate to take the money from temples to run government schemes. Officers are being pressurized repeatedly to get money from temples. The BJP will oppose it in the budget session of the assembly.

4. On what basis did CM Sukhu said that the BJP government started the practice of taking money from temples? answer: For this, the letter of 29 August 2018 has been made the basis. This language, art and culture department has written DC of all districts. In which it was said that he should send 15% of their earnings from temples to Gaushala.

The letter of the time of the former Jairam government, in which the temples were asked to give 15 percent of the budget to the cowsheds.

5. Was money taken from temples in the BJP government? answer: Yes, this money was taken for CM Relief Fund, Kovid Solidarity Fund, Gaushalas Operations and Ayodhya Ram Temple. At that time Jairam Thakur was the Chief Minister in the BJP government.

See in these 2 graphics, the BJP government took how much fund from which temple

6. On what basis does the government take money from temples in Himachal? Answer: In this regard, former BJP minister Sukhram Chaudhary says- BJP government made a provision under section (G) in sub-section 2 of section 22 under Section 22 of Himachal Pradesh Public Religious Institution and Amendment Act 2018 of the Himachal Pradesh Public Religious Institution and Amendment Act 2018.

According to which “15 percent of the receipts of Hindu public religious institutions and perfections will be done as the first charge for the creation of cow houses for the construction, maintenance and leveling of cow houses. It is a law passed by the Legislative Assembly. A provision was made to give a budget to the cowshed under this act.

Apart from this, Himachal Pradesh Hindu Public Religious Institutions continue to contribute to various temples and welfare schemes run by the state government under the Charitable Snties Act, 1984. Temple management contributes under this act in CM Relief Fund, Kovid Solidarity Fund etc.

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