Jamshed Qamar Nelesh Misra – Story: Jilani Saheb’s feast | Storybox with Jamshed – Story: Jilaani Sahab Ki Dawat | Storybox with Jamshed

Jamshed Qamar Nelesh Misra – Story: Jilani Saheb’s feast | Storybox with Jamshed – Story: Jilaani Sahab Ki Dawat | Storybox with Jamshed

Story – Jilani Saheb’s feast
Writer – Jamshed Qamar Siddiqui

Say anything but Murtaza Jilani Saheb had a fire in the city. He had a great status among the old people. The local police station was to come and go. People-gardens are often in small domestic quarrels where the wife has hit the cooker on Mian’s knee, or there has been a fight in the fight of two people on the road, the drain of someone’s house, the water of whom should the shoes come in the shoes … After walking on the back, both the party came to the door of Jilani Saheb.

Jilani Saheb was a bahisat man … Although he had a very big cycle agency but was also an important member of the Markazi Chand Committee. Every year, at the end of the last Ramadan, he used to announce the moon in the sky after seeing the moon in the sky and finally used to give the same rhetoric speech to the local news channels. “It is announced by the Markzi Chand Committee that today, according to 29 Ramzanul Mubarak fourteen hundred Pantalis Hijri, the city has not appeared in the city on 16 April 2024 … nor has the testimony of seeing the moon from any part of India … there is a declaration that it is announced that Id -ul Faiti will be celebrated in the whole country … Keep fast “

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Jilani Saheb had Rutba in the city, fame was … The one above had everything but there was a shortage, the heart was very small … Sometimes they were sitting on the hotel and if someone appeared to be meeting, then he used to cancel the tea spoken to the hotel owner that he would have to feed it again. If he used to feed a relative at home, then he used to get his head from the very next day and call and ask – And brother had reached well yesterday… good God is … Okay tell me when we come now… brother, we have seen our house … Call yourself and do not bother to eat too much to eat, just keep the goat meat … Are there any food coming to eat. Relatives were also no less, saying from there “Hello … Hello … The voice is getting some cut… Hello … Hazur is somewhat in the voice … I feel like a disgusted in the line… Hello Jilani … “

Jilani says from there – Yes, the voice will not be coming, Abe deaf, chotte … hunger brother -in -law … I have not eaten from my house, now the voice is not coming

, Huzur ,,, something hurdled in the call … Fus sound is coming …
, Fus nah kiss …. You have sucked blood
, Okay brother, it’s okay again… the voice is not coming … keeping … Saying this, the call used to be disconnected. He used to be very angry with his relatives… and Moka unmatched, he was a thief, a usurer, Shohda, Bhikhmanga and did not know what they used to say. An anecdote of Jilani Saheb is of great fun, saw my eyes. Kissa is engaged to the son of Jilani Saheb. Listen – So the new one mall is built behind the Vincent intersection… Earlier there used to be an empty ground at this place. On normal days, boys used to play cricket here, but on the day of marriage, this ground was decorated with such precious tent and electricians and flowers, etc. that the palace used to be held.

That day too, the place adorned with golden white tents looked fantastic. Like a palace… there was a chance to get a son’s engagement. Due to being a member of the Markzi Chand Committee, all the big businessmen were involved in the city due to the start and businessman. I too had reached the locality a little earlier and started watching a lot of arrangements.

Jilani Saheb was shining on the sides of the beard wearing a sherwani on the sides of the beard and was running from here to there in the entire wedding … Sometimes where the food was being made, they would stand near the lamps and take stock of the melting of the meat lying in the biryani … Why is there a bulb in the chandeliers hanging above … Look, give children identity… they bring them repeatedly … Hey… boys you have just taken away… are again come again… We have seen you now .. Let’s go back …

I was enjoying seeing Jilani Saheb more than the wedding decoration. Right now I was looking here and there that a sir in the crowd hit me. Middle -aged was a red beard with a khizab … The coarse frame of the thick frame … the stomach is quite turned out … wearing a bright Sadri on a black Pathani suit… maybe someone close to Jilani Saheb. Gleaming Sadri, an envelope of coin behavior peeping from the plate and Sadri’s pocket. We smiled seeing each other. If I had a buffer table in front, I am not … pointing to the tray of the rasgulla placed on the table, “Take … first you take ” The red bearded smiled. Moving the rasgulla from the spoon, he started keeping it in a plate. But his method was strange. Picking rasgulla with a spoon. Then cut a little with the tooth and then take it on the plate. In this way, he placed four rasgulla plates, on the fifth I laughed and interrupted.
,What are you tasting “
Speak, “No .. Cut a little with a tooth and keep it in a plate, then the rasgulla does not roll. Otherwise meets raita,

My heart felt that I should fall into the footsteps of the Pathani suit for this ghabi Ilm, but then both of us were shocked with a voice. “Sahiban” Jilani Saheb was wearing a sherwani in Mahfil, “Look brother … I am saying with great hesitation that the matter is that some people have entered here from the previous gate.” Eating food in uninterrupted feast. So you guys will keep an eye on ”

Jilani Saheb had just said that as soon as I turned back, I saw that the discussion who was standing with me was staring at me with suspicion. And staring, staring at your beard on your beard, as if you are thinking when to catch me. I saw that wearing black Pathani suits, I was looking at the eyes of the justified from top to bottom. Perhaps he was judging me that I am not going to enter that without calling … Chacha looked at me and I was shocked. Just asked the person of the locality standing nearby to convince Chacha, “And Shafiq Bhai, how is the coaching going. Mamu’s plaster open?,

The man was facing me and started giving a trick … Then the eyes of those Chacha became normal. They were convinced that i’m not called

Well, after some time, Jilani Saheb passed away, then the red bearded Chacha moved towards Jilani Saheb and extended both hands. Jilani saheb smiled, then Chacha put an envelope with a coin of a single rupee in his pocket and said in the ear, “Look there, that hair dyed boy… How is eating chowmein… ” Jilani saheb looked at him carefully. A reel making boy whose hair was blue colored and stood like a tip from the front. Chaumin was speaking, full mouth.

Jilani saheb looked at him carefully and then got angry and grabbed his hair

Stop …. keep the plate .. Keep below …
, Aye Jilani saheb … hey is doing

Jilani said, stop … see the body… there are thin legs … like wood … But like a goat… Since then you are looking at you… you are going to be fed … You were eating chicken now… Now you are eating chowmin … Who are you, whose boys are there .. keep the plate… ” There was noise in the festival.
– “Hey hum .. we are the boys of Sukh Ali.” He said while fixing hair,

Jilani saheb suddenly pushed, He said further, Not recognized, we came to keep the cylinders here… Papa was sent.

, ,Oh, the boy of Surakh Ali .. whom he has a shop of cylinder… Hey man … Jilani saheb laughed ashamed … He said while fixing his hair … eat eat. Sorry son .. We could not recognize you… Nowadays you know the atmosphere .. Now it is written a little on the face… eat … that rasgulla … It is good… eat… eat son ” After that spectacle, there was a change in the atmosphere in the entire program. The man with every plate was looking at the other with suspicion. People started eating food with great tamees. People were unnecessarily hi-hello to each other to know that there is a relationship with those who are married in their homes.

After a few hours, when everything was settled, I went to meet Jilani Saheb before going home.
,Going, have eaten food? ” Jilani Saab asked me
“G-ji. So … who had entered, came to know?,
When I asked, Jilani saheb looked at the right left… then laughed out loud with me. Clap and said … bring your ear here …

When I came close, I whispered in my ear and said … “Hey, no one had entered. This was my maneuver. My style … to keep an eye on the greedy relatives. Hey, there was a seven hundred rupees and plate and they pack fucking and take them home. This was what these people did in the previous wedding of the house … took a lot of biryani and royal pieces in the foil ” I was surprised. He told that the rumor was flown so that someone could keep an eye on the governors that no korma is filling it in a plastic bag. Then he said with eyes “Dekha my wonder … once created a ruckus … He was deliberately caught by Sukh Ali’s boy … Now everyone came on the line … No one dared to take food to the food…” Jilani Laughing and said “And acting like this … that no one was suspicious … that red bearded … he too cheated” I also laughed but then suddenly I stopped thinking something.
“My friend? … That Pathani Suit Chacha … He was your friend?”,

Jilani Saheb stopped. ,My? Or else. I thought you are with you ” Jilani Saheb thought something and the drops of sweat started emerging on his face …. Then he remembered that those Chacha had also given an envelope to Jilani Saheb. Quickly, Jilani Saheb put his hand in the pocket and he took out a coin of one rupee, tore it to torn and peeped inside … the envelope was empty and was anonymous. Jilani saheb bubbudaye …. Lime

I laughed very loud but I stopped laughing and said “Jilani saheb, you lost seven hundred” Jilani Saab made a disappointing mouth and then the coin pasted on the envelope and said, “Hmm… six hundred ninayanwe is already done. ”

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