No one was no longer given the spiritual leader of the Muslims, Aga Khan IV, once given to the government, his father’s palace – Prince Karim al -Hussaini Aga Khan Fourth Imam of Shia Ismaili Muscendant Prophet MUHAMAD PASSED AWAY NTCPMAMAD AWAY NTCPMMAD

No one was no longer given the spiritual leader of the Muslims, Aga Khan IV, once given to the government, his father’s palace – Prince Karim al -Hussaini Aga Khan Fourth Imam of Shia Ismaili Muscendant Prophet MUHAMAD PASSED AWAY NTCPMAMAD AWAY NTCPMMAD

On February 4, the 49th hereditary Imam of Shia Ismaili Muslims was called the world as Alvida on February 4. He breathed his last among his family at the age of 88 in Lisbon. Prince Karim Aga Khan was the founder and chairman of Aga Khan Vikas Network, who is protecting all the responsibilities of education-health and historical and archaic importance buildings around the world.

Soon his nominated successor will be announced. Leaders and employees of Aga Khan Development Network have expressed their condolences to their family and Ismaili community around the world. Aga Khan Trust CEO Ritish Nanda said that we respect our founder Prince Karim Aga Khan, we will continue to work with our partners to improve the quality of life of individuals and communities around the world. As he wanted, whatever his religious affiliation or original.

The descendants of Muhammad Sahab who gave the message of humanity to the world
Prince Karim al-Husaini Aga Khan was a spiritual leader of millions of Shia Ismaili Muslims spread across the world. He was made the 49th Imam and spiritual leader of Ismaili Muslims at the age of just 20 years. He gave the message of humanity to everyone by dedicating his entire life to public welfare.

Padma Vibhushan honored with honor
Aga Khan IV was awarded the Padma Vibhushan by the Government of India. At the same time, the British government gave him the degree of his highness. The Aga Khan network established by him works in 30 countries across the world, in which more than one lakh people work. This world is one of the largest voluntary organizations. Aga Khan Trust fixed 60 monuments of Delhi including Humayun’s Fort, Sundar Nursery. About a hundred monuments of Hyderabad have been fixed.

The government was gifted to the government’s palace
Ratish Nanda says that on the 25th anniversary of India’s independence, Prince Karim Aga Khan IV gave the government a palace of his father in Hyderabad. This was the same palace where Mahatma Gandhi was once imprisoned. Then on the 50th anniversary, he gifted the Government of Humayun’s Garden Restoration to the Government of India. After this, Humayun’s fort was made on the 75th anniversary of independence. In the year 2018 too, he came to India at the inauguration of beautiful nursery. He has come to India about ten times in the last 20 years.

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