Recently Pakistan has conducted an airstrike on Taliban ruled Afghanistan. About 50 people from Afghanistan have been killed in this attack by Pakistan, including women and children. In these attacks carried out in the mountainous areas of Paktika province of Afghanistan bordering Pakistan, Pakistan has claimed to have destroyed the training centers of Pakistani Taliban i.e. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan. Due to this attack, a war-like situation has arisen between Afghanistan and Pakistan. In such a situation, the question is, what is this Pakistani Taliban after all, why is this Pakistani Taliban different from the Afghan Taliban and whether the next objective of this Pakistani Taliban i.e. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan is to capture Pakistan after Afghanistan.
When America’s World Trade Center was attacked on September 11, 2001, America entered Afghanistan to take revenge. There a campaign was launched against Al Qaeda and Taliban. Thousands of Taliban fighters were killed in the US attack, but some of those who survived started hiding in Afghanistan and some fled to neighboring country Pakistan. Now fighting was their habit, so even after going to Pakistan, they formed many terrorist groups with different names and continued small attacks. So America, which was trying to eliminate Taliban in Afghanistan, also became strict against Pakistan. America also told Pakistan that either it should eliminate these terrorists or America will not give any more money to Pakistan. Bowing to the pressure of America and its money, Pakistan has created Federally Administered Tribal Area i.e. FATA. In the year 2007, a regular military operation was conducted on the hideout of the captured terrorists. The result was that a total of 13 terrorist organizations came together and formed a new organization named Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan i.e. TTP. Its leader was terrorist Baitullah Mehsud, resident of Waziristan province of Pakistan. This organization formed in Pakistan wanted that
* Sharia should be implemented throughout Pakistan.
* Women’s education should be completely banned in Pakistan.
* The Constitution should be dissolved and the country should be run according to Shariat.
* American forces should be taken out of Afghanistan.
* Pakistani forces should go out of FATA i.e. Federally Administered Tribal Area.
The then Pakistan government Not a single word of the terrorist organization was accepted. On August 25, 2008, the Government of Pakistan declared Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan a banned organization. When the Afghan Taliban felt that the Pakistani Taliban was weakening, Mullah Omar, the creator of the Taliban, sent a delegation to the TTP under the leadership of Mullah Abdul Zakir, the Taliban’s influential leader, between December 2008 and January 2009, so that the TTP could enter Afghanistan. Afghans could help the Taliban in fighting American troops. The three biggest terrorists of TTP, i.e. its creator Baitullah Mehsud, Hafiz Gul Bahadur and Maulvi Nazir agreed with Taliban leader Mullah Omar and said that they will help Taliban in fighting against US forces in Afghanistan.
When America came to know that TTP was going to help Taliban of Afghanistan, America carried out several drone attacks in the tribal areas of Pakistan and targeted TTP. Baitullah Mehsud was killed in one such attack in August 2009. After the killing of Baitullah, there was a lot of turmoil in TTP regarding leadership and finally TTP got a new leader in the form of Hakimullah Mehsud. After this, to avenge the murder of Baitullah Mehsud, TTP’s suicide bombing chief Qari Mehsud carried out suicide attacks on the US intelligence agency CIA camp in Afghanistan in December 2009 and on Times Square in Manhattan, New York, USA in May 2010. . Not only this, when there were atrocities on Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, TTP also created riots in Myanmar and put pressure on the Pakistan government to close the Myanmar embassy in Islamabad and end its relations with Myanmar. Do it.
In view of all this, America put TTP in the list of Global Terrorist Organization on September 1, 2010. And TTP chief Hakimullah Mehsud and TTP terrorist Wali ul Rehman, who was once the spokesperson of Baitullah Mehsud, were declared global terrorists. A reward of 5 million dollars was also announced on them. Seeing the increasing strictness, TTP leaders tried to improve relations with the Pakistan government. But because of this TTP broke. In February 2014, a faction of TTP broke away under the leadership of Maulana Omar Qasmi and formed a new organization and named it Ahrar-ul-Hind. Then a new organization was formed, Tehreek-e-Taliban South Waziristan. Then Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan became Jamaat-ul-Ahrar. Some TTP terrorists left Pakistan and went to Iraq and joined ISIS there. Some fighters were killed in America’s drone strike and some in Pakistani Army’s action. But after the then chief of TTP, Mullah Fazlullah, was killed in the American drone strike in Afghanistan on June 22, 2018, when Noor Wali Mehsud took command, TTP started raising its head again. And with this the goals of TTP also changed.
TTP formed by Baitullah Mehsud in 2007 was demanding implementation of Sharia in Pakistan, which was demanding ban on women’s education in Pakistan. TTP, which was demanding the ouster of Pakistani troops from FATA i.e. Federally Administered Tribal Area, is now directly demanding the overthrow of the Government of Pakistan as soon as Noor Wali Mehsud took command. Started talking about throwing. He declared jihad against the government of Pakistan and said that his aim is to overthrow the government of Pakistan and establish the rule of Caliphate there.
The strength of TTP increased further when the Taliban on 15 August 2021. Established his rule over Afghanistan. With the arrival of Taliban government in Afghanistan, hundreds of TTP prisoners were released from Kabul jails. These prisoners also included a terrorist like TTP’s deputy founder Amir Maulvi Faqir Mohammad. Happy with the release of their comrades, TTP terrorists celebrated by holding rallies in eastern Afghanistan. In 2022, Tehreek-e-Taliban carried out more than 150 attacks in Pakistan. On November 28, 2022, TTP security chief Mufti Mujahim had publicly said that now TTP will carry out attacks across Pakistan. And TTP started the same, due to which now Pakistan has entered Afghanistan and carried out air strikes. And this is not the first time. This year, Pakistan has carried out air strikes twice, due to which now even the real Taliban is angry against Pakistan. And if the anger of the real Taliban flares up further, then a war between Afghanistan and Pakistan is certain.