Plank Core Strength Exercise: Planck exercise is a type of core strength and bbody stability exercise, in which you have to keep your body status stable for a certain time. This is a static exercise, which means that you have to maintain the condition of the body for some time without shaking or moving.
Planck is a very effective and simple exercise that not only strengthens the core muscles of the body but also increases the strength, balance and flexibility of the whole body. Planting regularly benefits both physical and mental health. Learn about how to plan and do more benefits from doing it.
How do Plancks do?
First of all, lie down on your stomach floor. Now place the elbow under the shoulders and bend the arms in an angle of 90 degrees. Stand on the toes of both feet and keep your body completely straight. Try to keep the body in a straight line, such as part from head to legs is in a line. Do not let the waist and hips fall or rise up. Keep the muscles of the stomach and feet tight so that the balance in the body remains.
Core gives strength to muscles
Planck mainly targets core muscles (abdomen, back, and waist muscles). It not only strengthens the middle part of the body, but also increases blood circulation there. Regularly placked the muscles of abs (stomach muscles) and lower back muscles.
Improves posture
Exercising Plancks strengthens your back and muscles that can help in standing or sitting in a sitting position. This is especially beneficial for those who work on a computer for a long time or sit on their back pain.
Shoulders are strong
Planx also strengthens shoulders, wrists and hands muscles. This is especially beneficial for those who do exercises to lift or use hands upwards.
Waist and back pain relief
If you have back pain or you have trouble sitting and standing, then regularly exercising plank can strengthen the lower back, which relieves pain.