Rahul Gandhi’s second Bihar tour in three weeks, meaning Congress preparations are similar to Delhi? – Rahul Gandhi frequent patna visits focus on mission bihar is like delhi elections opnm1

Rahul Gandhi’s second Bihar tour in three weeks, meaning Congress preparations are similar to Delhi? – Rahul Gandhi frequent patna visits focus on mission bihar is like delhi elections opnm1

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi went to Patna to attend the Constitution Security Conference on 18 January, and now on 5 February to attend Jaglal Chaudhary Jayanti – Rahul Gandhi’s political readiness has not been seen earlier.

Even before, he has been doing political tour. Sometimes Bhatta Parsaul, sometimes Kisan Yatra – and many times they have been going to the house of Dalits, for which headlines have also been made.

But, at a small interval, Bihar Rahul Gandhi’s Bihar is going to Bihar again and again, and that too when the assembly elections are going to be held this year. Rahul Gandhi’s political interest in visiting Bihar is also because the stand of the Congress which has been seen in the Delhi Assembly elections, the case of India block does not seem very sustainable till Bihar elections.

Dalit, Muslim and OBC voters monitor

Rahul Gandhi’s involvement in Jaglal Chaudhary Jayanti celebrations is not like this. He has also been a member of the Bihar Congress Committee and a minister in the Government of Bihar – and the credit for the implementation of liquor ban in Bihar is also the credit of Jaglal Chaudhary.

On 6 April 1938, Jaglal Chaudhary implemented liquor ban in Saran, Muzaffarpur, Hazaribagh, Dhanbad and Ranchi. His term is considered short but memorable.

Jaglal Chaudhary has been a Dalit leader of the Congress, and the Congress’s program in Bihar in his name, and even after reaching Patna from Delhi, Rahul Gandhi’s involvement cannot be like this.

It is clear that the Congress is eyeing the Dalit voters, and all these are ways to help the Dalit vote bank – Rahul Gandhi is running a campaign for caste census for OBC vote. From road to parliament.

And the impact of Rahul Gandhi’s campaign is also being seen, if it did not happen, then why would Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav reply in Parliament in Parliament itself.

Even in the Delhi elections, the special emphasis of the Congress is a cow seen on Dalit and Muslim voters – then it should be assumed that Bihar elections will come, Congress will make every effort to join Dalit, Muslim and OBC voters.

The trends of Delhi elections are also coming from Bihar

It is not necessary, but the way Akhilesh Yadav has surrounded Rahul Gandhi’s Congress on the issue of caste calculation and China in Parliament, it is possible that Lalu Yadav and Tejashwi Yadav will also see the same attitude.

The topper is a matter of maximum share in the partition of seats in the Grand Alliance, but the strategy that the Congress is currently running is two steps ahead of the current political equations.

Now the Congress is trying to stand on its own instead of becoming a hanger of regional parties. The Congress leadership has been repeatedly advised by the regional parties to give up trying to hold the driving seat. The driving seat should be handed over to the Congress regional parties – but Rahul Gandhi rejects the ideology of regional parties, and does not want to stand in equal standing.

Now it seems that in Bihar, the Congress will fight alone like Delhi – and Mamata Banerjee and Akhilesh Yadav can support Tejashwi Yadav’s RJD like the Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi.

After all, in India block, Mamata Banerjee’s support for Lalu Yadav, and Rahul Gandhi’s caste calculation as fake will show some impact.

Call for the organization reshuffle

Ever since Akhilesh Prasad Singh has been made the President of Bihar Congress, he is being strongly opposed within the Congress. Many leaders are also putting their foreheads to leave the Congress and go to BJP.

But, it is not necessary that these things also prove to be harmful for them. The case of Nana Patole in Maharashtra and Revanth Reddy in Telangana have also been similar. And Navjot Singh Sidhu from Punjab is also an example, in whose affair the Congress lost power in Punjab.

By the way, it is also coming to hear that Pappu Yadav and Kanhaiya Kumar can also be given more responsibility, and their contribution can be taken in strengthening the Bihar Congress.

If this happens, it should be assumed that there is an attempt to give a message to Kanhaiya Kumar and Pappu Yadav on behalf of Rahul Gandhi – because Lalu Yadav does not like to see either of the two.

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