Payments have started to investors investing in Sahara Group. According to the information, 2314.20 crore has been paid to 12 lakh 97 thousand 111 investors by 28 February 2025, while till December this year, the target is to pay all investors investing in four cooperative committees of Sahara Group. Today, Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah has given this information to Parliament in response to a written question.
About 5.42 lakh people across the country had invested in 4 cooperative societies of Sahara Group, which is about Rs 1,13,504 crore. Following the complaints received regarding non -payment of deposits, the Ministry of Cooperation launched a website on the order of the court and all investors were asked to put their details.
5 thousand crore rupees will be transferred to Central Registrar
According to the Supreme Court’s order given to 29.03.2023, out of the total amount of Rs 24,979.67 crore lying in the Sahara-Sibi refund account, an amount of Rs 5000 crore will be transferred to the central registrar of cooperative societies. Monitoring and monitoring of the distribution of this amount. Subhash Reddy will be done by the former judge of this court, in which advocate Gaurav Aggarwal was also appointed on the order of the court.
CRCS-Sahara refund portal launched
Four multi -state cooperative societies of Sahara Group Sahara Credit Cooperative Society Limited, Lucknow, Saharayan Universal Multiper Society Limited, Bhopal, Hamara India Credit Cooperative Society Limited, Kolkata and Stars Multipurce up co -operative society limited to present their legitimate deposits on behalf For 18.07.2023, an online portal “CRCS-Sahara Refund Portal” has been launched On the basis of the applications received on the portal, an amount of Rs 2,314.20 crore has been released to 12,97,111 depositors of Sahara Group Cooperative Societies by 28.02.2025.
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