SEO-Driven Content Architecture-Whiteboard Friday

SEO-Driven Content Architecture-Whiteboard Friday

Then last, the best way to apply this keyword research into getting this Sort of Structure is to also Split Things into a Keyword Map.

So this is a very, very, very summarized and condensed version. For Most Websites, It’s Going to Be a Whole Lot Bigger. It depends on the size of your website. But I Strongly Sugged to do this because it kind of helps you organize your senses of your content strategy really for the duration that you’re working on it believe of a data.

So this may be in the form of a spreadsheet, and then it will have columns that are based on the content type. So whether it’s a product page, or a blog article, or some sort of conversion landing page for another purpose, you’ll also have got also have the title of the page or the h1 so you know what is this content.

You also have the url slug. So this is basically every page on your website should have a url specific to it that focuses on some certain topic so that it’s not going all over the place, and next it’s mapped outs. Then the keywords that you’ve research from over here, that’s where you start to organize that.

So, Ideally, You have a focus keyword, which is the most important keyword that you want to rank for with Rank for Within Your Content, and then you also have some somes related keywords. You can start to build your topic and your content Piece based on that, and it may be a little less likelike that you rank for them. Maybe you have to move them later over with some optimization.

That Haappens when you keep track of your progress over time. But your goal really is to pick one primary keyword, and that’s the main thing that you’re targeting through your content. So Once you have this build from your keyword research and you know where all your content goes, then you also know how to build your website based on that.

You know from this type of content, okay, here’s what goes into my kitchen product pages. Here’s what goes into my bathroom product pages. Here’s what goes in the blog, for example, and then you just continue on.

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