Sunita Williams Coming Home: Parachutes will open on 18 thousand feet height, landing in the sea … Sunita will come with Williams Dragon Capsule -4 – Sunita Williams Home Coming Spacex Dragon Capsule Crew 9 Coming Butch Wilmor Landing Procedure NTC

Sunita Williams Coming Home: Parachutes will open on 18 thousand feet height, landing in the sea … Sunita will come with Williams Dragon Capsule -4 – Sunita Williams Home Coming Spacex Dragon Capsule Crew 9 Coming Butch Wilmor Landing Procedure NTC

Indian -origin American astronaut Sunita Williams is going to return from the spacecraft dragon of Alon Musk’s company Spacex. The process of ignorance of spacecraft will start in a while and it will land at 3.30 am on Wednesday. In such a situation, it is important to understand the entire process of landing of the four astronauts including Sunita Williams.

Sunita and Buch Wilmer are stranded in space since June last year. Both are going to return home due to the efforts of NASA and SpaceX. But two more astronomers Nick Hague and Alexander Gorbunov will also return with him.

NASA has released the return schedule of Sunita Williams. However, this is estimated. It can also change due to weather. This journey of return will be about 17 hours.

What will be the journey from space station to the earth?

The dragon spacecraft of SpaceX, which is bringing Sunita Williams, will be ignored at 10.35 am today. This process of ignores will be automatic.

The homecoming of astronauts will be completed in several stages. First the spacecraft coming to the earth will be different from the International Space Station (ISS).

1) Wearing pressure suit will start traveling… To ride in SpaceX’s dragon spacecraft, we will first wear a astronaut pressure suit. The hatch will be closed and every type of leakage will be investigated.

2) SpaceX’s dragon spacecraft in second phase Ignores Will be This process of ignores will also be in several stages. The first phase of ignores is a security check. Before ignorance, there is a working check of the life support system, communication and thruster system inside the spacecraft. In the second phase, the lock of the spacecraft is opened. In this, the joints connecting the spacecraft to the international space station are opened. The spacecraft is separated from the ISS after the opening of the ignorant system in the third phase. Thruster Actually, the speed of the spacecraft and its direction control. In the fourth phase, there is monitoring of spacecraft after ignorance. In the last phase, the spacecraft completely separates from the ISS and goes out on the journey of the earth.

3) Deorbit burn … During this time the spacecraft will start deorbit burn. This burn will be around 2.41 am on Wednesday. The engine will be fired under this. This will bring the spacecraft closer to the earth.

4) Entering into the Earth’s atmosphere … It is being said that the aircraft of SpaceX will enter the Earth’s atmosphere at a speed of 27000 km per hour.

5) Parachutes will open … After this, at the height of 18 thousand feet of the earth, first two dragon parachutes will open and after that the main parachutes will also open at a height of 6000 feet.

6) Splashdown … According to NASA information, Splashdown or astronauts will be on the banks of Landing Florida in the sea. But if the weather is not correct, then the landing can be elsewhere. This time of landing is currently at 3.27 am on Wednesday.

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