Vijaya Ekadashi 2025 Date: When is Vijaya Ekadashi? Learn date, importance and worship method – Vijaya ekadashi 2025 date significance dos and donts shubh muhurt puja vidhi tvisu

Vijaya Ekadashi 2025 Date: When is Vijaya Ekadashi? Learn date, importance and worship method – Vijaya ekadashi 2025 date significance dos and donts shubh muhurt puja vidhi tvisu

Vijaya ekadashi 2025: On February 24, the fast of Vijaya Ekadashi will be observed. In the Padma Purana and Skanda Purana, this fast is said to be the greatness of this fast. There is a mythological belief that in ancient times, many kings and emperors used to convert their definite defeat into victory with the influence of this fast. It is said that when in the situation in the situation, it can be won by the fast of Vijaya Ekadashi. According to astrology experts, through this fast you can stop every side of the moon. You can also reduce the bad effects of planets to a great extent.

Importance of Vijaya Ekadashi
The importance of its fast is known only by the name of Vijaya Ekadashi. This is Ekadashi to win. Lord Vishnu is worshiped on Vijaya Ekadashi. By observing this fast, you can get rid of the biggest calamities. You can defeat enemies with the effect of fasting. This time the fast of Vijaya Ekadashi will be observed on 24 February.

Worship of Vijaya Ekadashi
Establish a urn at the place of worship on the day of Vijaya Ekadashi. Worship Shri Hari with reverence. Worship by applying white sandalwood or gopi sandalwood on the forehead. Offer Panchamrit, flowers and any fruit of this season to Srihari. Keep a vela fasting and take a vella full satvic diet. Perform worship and aarti before eating in the evening. The next day, donate the urn and food, clothes etc. worshiped in the morning.

What to do on Vijaya Ekadashi, what not to do?
Stay away from tamasic diet, behavior and thought on the day of Vijaya Ekadashi. Start the day only after meditating on Lord Vishnu. On this day, keep the mind more and more in Lord Vishnu. Do not fast if health is not good. Only follow the rules of fasting. Do not eat rice and heavy food on Ekadashi. Apart from this, the worship of the night also has special significance on the day of Vijaya Ekadashi. Do not be angry on this day. Speak less and control the conduct.

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